Sunday, May 18, 2014

Nutella stuffed cookies... yes, I said Nutella.

       Sometimes when I know I am going to bake something, I plan it days in advance and patiently wait until I am done with classes and all that nonsense for the week.  This time.... not even close.  There I was sitting in molecular genetics class, learning about transcription methods of prokaryotes (so exciting), when I the ultimate seed planted in my head that needed to be grown RIGHT AWAY.  This class, which is from 4:40-6:00 falls right during the time where I get very very hungry and also towards the last few minutes of the class, very very bored. Usually towards the last few minutes of class, I cave into my boredom and check my phone.  When I glanced at my email, I had gotten a notification form pinterest (because they apparently think I need a reminder to check my pinterest... yeah, right!) saying the my housemate had posted a dessert on our household "bucket list bake board" (all the desserts that I am going to make before we all leave).  Browned butter nutella stuffed chocolate chip cookies with sea salt.... I almost died.

As I impatiently waited out the last few minutes of hearing about the different sigma binding site on the core promotor region, my mind was already rolling of how I would find time to make these bad boys.... that evening. I used the following recipe to make the most amazing cookie I have ever made in my life.  Well done Gertrude.  The only credit I give to myself is for my killer intuition that lets me know exactly when the right time to pull out cookies are- you would always be surprised how much cookies harden up after they are out of the oven, so I always err on the side of undercooked..... and if they are undercooked??? well I would say death by undercooked cookies is a good way to go out. Anyways, these were truly magical.... I was a little bit skeptical about the sea salt but it really just added a wonderful last touch to a practically perfect cookie.