Thursday, June 20, 2013

Cookie Dough Brownie Bombs.... Danger, Danger!

In summer time, I work for a tutoring company.  In order to stay on the good side of the kids I teach I make them treats eat week..... it's a great job. Anyways, I usually try to only make really intense desserts when I have a legitimate excuse, meaning I have many people to give them so they do not sit in my fridge for days on end (ok, maybe just a few days before they get eaten). I consider this job a very legitimate excuse (and I get reimbursed for the materials, even better!!).   Anyways, I decided to go with what I was comfortable with for the first week.... brownies, cooking dough and chocolate! Luckily for me, Gertrude's inability to make cookies was not a problem because this recipe has cookie DOUGH, not cookies.

Here is the recipe:

 Anyways basic idea.... make cookie dough (without eggs of course!), roll it into balls, make brownies, smoosh them up, roll smooshed brownies around cookie dough balls, dip in chocolate.... there really is no way they could not be delicious.  And the were.  These are a little bit too good, so I was very happy to get these out of the house very quickly.  The whole process went very smoothly (hence I don't have a long story like I usually do!).  Gertrude can handle brownies pretty well, so I only had to do some minmal edge trimming to ensure the brownies were fudgey enough to smoosh.   Nom Nom Nom Nom

Stay tuned for more kitchen adventures!!

1 comment:

  1. I've never done crack, but these cookies look they are on the same level.

    (also I miss you!!)
